About Us

Based in the beautiful Worcestershire countryside, in a small village a stones-throw from historis Pershore, is the cottage of Emily's Best HQ. A family run business that offers a friendly and reliable service.

Emily's Best grew from the wedding of Ruth & Toby when they couldn't find exactly what they wanted to make their day special. So they created themsleves and it proved very popular. Friends asked them to make their day special too and Emily's Best was born!

Toby builds it, Ruth takes it on the road and Mabel & Edith are offical tasters.  

Emils on her wedding day

So who is Emily?

Emily was Ruth's great grandmother. Born in 1901, she would bring out her 'best' for when the great grandchildren and family came round for tea. Together with her beautiful china and hand embroidered tablecloths, her scrumptious cakes and sandwiches made with her own bread made the experience truly memorable.

Emily gave Ruth her first embroidered tablecloth on ther 16th birthday for her 'bottom drawer', and so started the life-long love of all things vintage. She has that tablecloth still - it has pansies on it - and she also has a special tin that used to be kept in the bottom cupboard in Emily's kitchen filled with humbugs and liquorice, that now sits in pride of place on top of Emily's Best Traditional Sweet Shop.

Our Philosophy

Our philiosophy is based on creating a magical experience, capturing a flavour of a more innocent and less consumer-driven age. Our customers are looking for opportunities to make their event memorable and unique whether it be for a Wedding, Party, Coporate or Trade Show. We inlcude objects and experiences that delight, and enable them to share that 'kid in a sweet shop' feeling with their guests.

So if you're looking for a nostalgic feel give us a call, it will be Ruth herself who will share with you all that Emily's Best has to offer and help plan your event.  

 Contact us

Ruth's Dad helping out, wearing Emily's Best Victorian ear outfit

Ruth's Dad helping out, wearing Emily's Best Victorian era outfit.

Toby, our carpenter & chief

Toby, our carpenter & chief.

Official lollipop tasting by Mabel

Offical lollipop tasting by Mabel.